Indoor Vs Outdoor Cannabis: Which is Better?

Are you already tired of spending your hours over the internet trawling whether indoor weed is better or outdoor?  
Cannabis comes in numerous sizes, shapes, and colors. You can even pick your favorite product and flavor from the best cannabis stores online. But the fundamental question always remains the same for the canna-curious audience: What is the significant difference between indoor-grown cannabis and outdoor-grown cannabis? There are various complex questions, and we're here to help answer these questions.  

Look and Feel  

There are a few noticeable differences in the appearance and feel of indoor cannabis and outdoor cannabis. Weed grown outside in a field is typically darker in color and has a more weathered look. The key reason behind of is that the weed grown outside in the field has to face different climatic conditions such as rain, sunlight, wind, temperature swings, pests, and moonlight compared to the indoor-grown cannabis. Generally, the outdoor plants have a darker look and lighter feel, and their buds are more loosely packed. Outdoor grown weed does not contain a typical pungent smell; however, they have a scent of the surrounding in which they are grown, such as grass, woods, pine, and pepper.   

Indoor-grown cannabis has a rich scent like the smell of lavender, vanilla, coffee, and even citrus. While, indoor grown weeds have light in color and have a brighter green color that can have numerous more brilliant colors such as red, orange, and purple. The flowers of indoor-grown weeds are generally more tightly packed.   



You will be surprised to know that cannabis-grown outdoor place has rich flavor profile, complex flavors, and full subtleties. This is because the environment imparts some of its flavors to the plant. This process is known as "terroir," and it is applied to every food and vegetable grown outside. In fact, the "terroir" process plays a crucial role in the development of wine.   


Which is Stronger: Outdoor or Indoor Cannabis?  

Cannabis potential doesn't need to be determined by the THC concentration in the plant, and it is an outcome of multiple products. However, the grower of indoor cannabis has more control to experiment with different things to enhance the THC concentration. The indoor-grown plants don't have to fight against other environmental factors, so they are in a more pristine form. The controlled environment of the indoor grown weed also allows the grower to add more CO2 to the plant to increase the THC concentration in the cannabis plant. Alberta's top cannabis stores provide you with both indoor and outdoor grown weed.   

Therefore, it is evident from the abovementioned details that this is not the most crucial case. Instead, the ideal conditions for indoor-grown weed give them a chance to produce better cannabis crops.   


More Appealing  

While comparing cannabis in Alberta's #1 cannabis and marijuana dispensary, people usually pick indoor plants compared to outdoor weed even though they are more expensive. This is just because they have a more pleasing and appealing scent profile. However, this doesn't mean that indoor grown weed is more potent and better than outdoor grown weed plants. As consumers, we generally pick the one that attracts our senses more, and indoor-grown cannabis appeals to us more than outdoor-grown cannabis.   

Environmental Impact  

The indoor grown cannabis needs more soil, water, and energy than a plant grown in the natural sunlight. For example, the same soil used in an indoor-grown plant can't be used for a different indoor-grown plant. The grower needs to replace the soil after every use. Whereas in the case of sun-grown cannabis, there is no need to replace the soil. The grower can use the same soil again and again for different plants.   

Indoor-grown cannabis produces a lot of waste water than sun-grown cannabis. Therefore, in the case of outdoor-grown cannabis, the environmental impact is minimal.   

Which is The Perfect Strain for Me?  

A great thing about cannabis is that numerous indoor and outdoor strains are available in Alberta's top cannabis stores. Each strain offers an incredible experience to the consumer. The best way to determine which strain is perfect for you is by sampling indoor and outdoor grown products and thoroughly researching your product and farmers.   



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